True Scale Terminators – A size comparison guide
A size comparison guide for terminators to work out which will make the best true scale models.
A size comparison guide for terminators to work out which will make the best true scale models.
A look at the Minotaurs heraldry and markings from Badab War and Fall of Orpheus.
A showcase of my entire 308th Death Korps of Krieg Army.
Roundup from the Warhammer GT heat 1, where my Krieg battled Genestealer Cult, Eldar, Adeptus Custodes, Astra Militarum and Primaris Space Marines and also won Best Army!
A one day doubles campaign at Warhammer World as part of the Fate of Konor global campaign. A 3 match battle report.
A brand new narrative battle report. Set on the world of Divan IV, a force of Crimson Fists and Death Korps of Krieg battle it out against Iron Warrior’s and Emperor’s Children.