Build & Paint a Gorgon Transport. Part 3: Painting The Driver Cab
The 3rd in a video series detailing an in-depth guide to building and painting Forgeworld’s Gorgon Armoured Transport. In this video I detail how to paint the interior of the driver cab, additionally covering sponge chipping weathering techniques, oil washes and how to paint hazard stripes.
Paints used
- Chaos Black Spray
- Zandri Dust
- White Scar
- Eshin Grey
- Skavenblight Dinge
- Rhinox Hide
- Abaddon Black
- Leadbelcher
- Oil: Burnt Umber
- Dark Reaper
- Gothor Brown
- Mephiston Red
- Evil Sunz Scarlet
- Skarsnik Green
- Averland Sunset
- Yriel Yellow
- Lahmian Medium